
Status: completed

To ensure proper handling of owners and residents of urban areas around the reservoir, Investco has implemented a comprehensive program targeting impacted families. The program involved the realization of the socioeconomic register, the discussion and negotiations, centered on the various treatment options. The PEB had the direct participation of Naturatins, Ibama, State and Federal Public Ministries, representatives of the impacted population and Population Affected by Dams Movement (abbreviated in Portuguese as MAB). The options available were compensation, barter, rent, resettlement, relocation, and self-relocation.

The most important action was the one that involved the resettlements, in which the families participated in the choice of the villages’ locations. The resettlements were implemented observing the replacement of existing services and infrastructures in the areas of origin. The houses, all plastered, were built in different models, with 2 to 4 rooms, according to the family composition or residence size in the area of origin. The buildings have electricity, septic tanks, sinks and running water.

535 families were resettled and relocated to 10 collective resettlement areas in the towns of Palmas, Porto Nacional, Miracema, Ipueiras, Brejinho de Nazaré, and Lajeado. These families received, in addition to social assistance, seedlings of fruitful trees, tools and training courses in the most varied modalities and with market demand, as well as the provision of staple basket products in the phase of adaptation to the new socio-environmental conditions. In addition, actions designated toward specific assistance to the elderly were promoted. All these activities with the objective of giving these populations worthy conditions to sustain themselves.

Many families received more than one type of treatment because they had more than one piece of land. Thus, the 1,767 families received 2,394 treatments.