Responsabilidade Socioambiental

A Investco implementa sua Política de Responsabilidade Socioambiental, a sustentabilidade do negócio e da sociedade em que atua. Além de gerar energia para o desenvolvimento do Tocantins e do Brasil, a Companhia tem outro objetivo: gerar energia com responsabilidade socioambiental.

Este é um desafio para cada colaborador da Empresa. A empresa baseia seus investimentos socioambientais nos usos múltiplos do reservatório e no desenvolvimento das comunidades do entorno do lago. Para isso, apoia e executa projetos em parceria com órgãos governamentais, ONGs, universidades e comunidades, sempre visando o desenvolvimento socioambiental da região com foco nos pilares: educação, cultura, meio ambiente, desenvolvimento local e esporte.


Conheça os Projetos Socioculturais que apoiamos:

Investco implements its Social and Environmental Responsibility Policy, the sustainability of the business and the society in which it operates.

In addition to generating energy for the development of Tocantins and Brazil, the Company has another goal: to generate energy with socio-environmental responsibility. This is a challenge for each employee of the Company.

The company bases its socio-environmental investments on the multiple uses of the reservoir and on the development of the communities surrounding the lake. To this end, it supports and executes projects in partnership with government agencies, NGOs, universities and communities, always with a view to the socioenvironmental development of the region with a focus on the pillars: education, culture, environment, local development and sport.


  • EDP ​​in schools

Project to strengthen and develop education that has already reached thousands of students and hundreds of teachers through training and encouraging learning in Tocantins.
The program aims to contribute to improving the quality of student life for students in municipal public schools of elementary education, through structured actions: Delivery of school kit; Delivery of Book on Biodiversity, Art with Energy Contest; Teacher training; Virtual Reality in Schools; Healthy School Kit (Covid19); and Teachers' Day.

  • Love Hospital - Pio XII Foundation

Funding for the construction works of the Hospital de Amor in Palmas / TO and, subsequently, for the activities carried out at the unit.
The Hospital de Amor, new name of the Barretos Cancer Hospital (Pio XII Foundation), was established in 1962 and is a reference in Latin America, in the treatment and fight against cancer, its hospital complex is composed of 19 fixed units and 18 mobile units , where it performs an average of 2,412 visits / day, receiving patients from all over Brazil, with all visits performed at 100% free of charge.

  • Learning and growing / Social inclusion through football

The program offers social football schools and tutoring for students from public schools in Palmas, Lajeado and Miracema. With an interface in municipal and state schools, there is monitoring of students' grades and performance, in addition to monitoring in the family nucleus, aiming at better school performance and quality of life. Students also participate in monthly playful activities with varied topics such as drug prevention, dental care, combating dengue etc.

In the current pandemic moment, classes have been taking place online and with a focus on preventing Covid-19. Project students have been receiving social assistance from Investco volunteers and the project itself, especially with the delivery of basic food baskets.

  • Volunteering

Investco employees participate in the Volunteer Program by developing and executing projects with the communities surrounding the reservoir, which benefit children, youth, the elderly, schools, shelters and others. The volunteers carry out structural improvements and promote social assistance actions, contributing to the improvement of the beneficiaries' quality of life.


  • Paths of solidarity

Project carried out in partnership with the Archdiocese of Palmas, through the delivery of food voucher cards, for emergency care to 300 families in extreme vulnerability in Palmas and rural areas close to the municipality.

Health education to combat COVID-19 - Federal University of Tocantins Foundation
Project carried out in partnership with UFT - Federal University of Tocantins, through the delivery of food voucher cards, for emergency assistance to 277 families in extreme vulnerability in Palmas. In addition, the project included informational support on the recommendations for the prevention of COVID-19.

  • Play and study at home

Distribution of school kits and basic food baskets to the 326 students of social projects carried out by Associação Atlética Atenas with sponsorship from Investco in Palmas, Miracema and Lajeado.
The Project, carried out in partnership with the Athletic Association Athenas, provided full assistance to all families of students participating in the Association's nuclei. The deliveries were monitored by the parents, with guidance on combating the pandemic.

  • Tracks COVID

Implementation of an application to monitor suspected and confirmed cases of COVID-19, so that family health strategy teams, through community health agents, can daily monitor patients, with the geolocation record, photos and information general information about people's clinical evolution.

Medical professionals and nurses have access to a management panel for daily monitoring of visits and health status of each patient affected by the disease.
In this way, health professionals can monitor all patients in their municipalities, facilitating the monitoring of cases to decrease the clinical worsening and decrease the incidence of the disease.

Relatório de Sustentabilidade 2023