In water quality characterization works, several physical-chemical and microbiological parameters are analyzed to determine the AAI: dissolved oxygen, thermotolerant coliforms, pH, biochemical oxygen demand, nitrate, nitrite, total nitrogen, total phosphate, water temperature , turbidity and total solids.
The IQA values obtained in December 2020 ranged from 45 to 72 indicating that the water from the Luís Eduardo Magalhães HPP (Lajeado HPP), in which the lowest recorded value occurred in P07, for the period and specific monitored locations are classified as regular and Good. It is noteworthy that this indicates that the environmental variables are maintaining the integrity of the system, ensuring good environmental quality. However, for human consumption, the waters of the reservoir must be submitted to the criteria of ordinance 2.914 / 2011 of the Ministry of Health.

Legenda – IQA
Péssima: 0-19; Ruim: 20-35; Regular: 36-51; Boa: 52-79; Ótima: 80-100.
NR: Não realizado (as condições climáticas impediram a coleta no ponto).