
The objective of the Annual Electric Power Sector Research and Technological Development Program is to search for innovations in order to face the technological and market challenges of electric power companies.

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Financial Resources

The Research and Development Program of Lajeado Energia in cooperation with Investco and in compliance with the Procedures of the Research and Development Program - PROP & D, approved by Normative Resolution N ° 754, of December 13, 2016, with the objective of to give transparency and publicity to the projects carried out and to collect subsidies for the elaboration of new projects, the R&D Account Balance and information on the projects in execution have been made available, concluded by the company and committed by ANEEL in 2022.


Financial resources

Balance of the R&D Account at 31 December 2022:

Lajeado Energia S.A.
R$ 766.188,72

R&D projects in progress

Currently, Lajeado participates in important and strategic ongoing R&D projects, either as a proponent or cooperative company. Among them, we can mention the Pecém H2V R&D project – Roadmap Development and H2 pilot project in Complexo do Pecém. Among the project's objectives, a pilot plant on a MW scale – 1.25MW and 250 Nm3/h, at Usina do Pecém, has already been developed and implemented. As a result, in December/22, the first MW-scale green hydrogen molecule was produced in Latin America.

In addition, Lajeado collaborates in three ongoing projects related to electric mobility solutions, submitted and approved based on Public Call No. 22, released by ANEEL in 2019. The themes of the projects involve energy efficiency and insertion/integration of energy sources renewables in electric mobility; electric mobility of light, super light and heavy vehicles; sharing/development of infrastructure and energy storage aimed at electric mobility.
