
Basic Environmental Programs

UHE Lajeado implemented 33 Environmental Programs, part of the Basic Environmental Project (PBA) of the enterprise. The implementation schedule for most environmental programs covered the entire period of construction of the enterprise, extending on average for another two years after the reservoir was filled, and some programs are for permanent monitoring. The Environmental Programs were grouped according to the environment in which they are inserted (Physical Environment, Biotic Environment and Socioeconomic Environment). Currently, 11 Environmental Programs are in progress, indicated below:


Environmental Programs

PBA 01 - Monitoring Systems
Physical Environment
PBA 01 - Monitoring Systems
Monitoring System - Local Weather
Physical Environment
There is no indication of a representative change in climate due to the formation of the reservoir.
PBA 01 - Monitoring Systems
Monitoring System - Water Levels
Physical Environment
Important for the operation of the Plant to keep the reservoir at the project levels, and to control the level downstream of the Plant, in addition to being necessary for forecasting flows and scheduling the daily operation of the Plant; within normality.
PBA 01 - Monitoring Systems
Monitoring System - Seismological
Physical Environment
Indicates the earthquakes that have occurred and perceived in the region, with a special focus on the dam, in the face of possible earthquakes induced by the reservoir; are within the normal range since the construction of the Plant.
PBA 01 - Monitoring Systems
Monitoring System - Sedimentologic
Physical Environment
It aims to monitor the sedimentation process that occurs in the reservoir, and its useful life; it is a long-term monitoring, being within the normal range, especially due to the integrity that is maintained in the middle Tocantins basin.
PBA 01 - Monitoring Systems
Its objective is to verify the occurrence of significant erosive processes on the banks of the reservoir, as well as downstream of the Plant; it is observed that the slopes are stabilized.
Physical Environment
Its objective is to verify the occurrence of significant erosive processes on the banks of the reservoir, as well as downstream of the Plant; it is observed that the slopes are stabilized.
Biotic Medium
Biotic Medium
PBA 06 - Implementation of Conservation Units
The program involves three actions, one aimed at financial compensation for the Lajeado State Park, with monthly transfers made to NATURATINS, another involving the implementation of the Pântano do Papagaio Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN), an action that is blocked due to a land that falls on the property of the future RPPN, which depends on a decision by the Land Institute of the State of Tocantins, and finally a specific action, involving the construction of a Wild Animal Screening Center - CETAS, work already completed.
Biotic Medium
PBA 08 - Reservoir Protection Range: Zoning and Reforestation
The program, as far as reforestation activities are concerned, were concluded, with the presentation of a consolidated report on the work carried out. Regarding zoning, it remains to discuss with the Environmental Agencies the implementation or not of administrative easement, between the levels of normal floods, with a recurrence of 2 years, and exceptional floods, with a recurrence of 50 years. To this end, a review of the Basic Environmental Project on the subject, prepared by the company THEMAG, was delivered to the Environmental Agency, and the agency's manifestation is awaited.
Biotic Medium
PBA 09 - Limnological Monitoring
The program involves monitoring the water quality of the reservoir at strategic points, and the results are published in a regional newspaper, which indicate that the quality varies from good to excellent. It is a permanent monitoring, typical of the operational phase of the Plant
Biotic Medium
PBA 10 - Ichthyofauna Research
This program aims to monitor and study the ichthyofauna, resulting from the segmentation of the Tocantins River by the dam; there were changes in the composition and proportion of the species, not being observed critical events with the fish fauna, which could compromise it. These studies are likely to be conducted on an ongoing basis.
Biotic Medium
PBA 11 - Fish Fauna Conservation
This program aims at monitoring focused on rescuing fish in the generating unit and monitoring the fish ladder. One-off actions involving the study and work to minimize the mortality of fish near the dam, which have already been completed.
Biotic Medium
Socio-economic environment
Biotic Medium
PBA 14 - Acquisition of Rural and Urban Areas
The environmental agency demanded the complementary acquisition of the strip of land determined by the variation of the plant's maximum operational level, in addition to the continuity of the regularization of the properties serviceable to the concession, actions that are in progress. As these actions do not depend exclusively on the Company, they must extend over a long period due to administrative and judicial obstacles.
Biotic Medium
PBA 22 - Relocation and Relocation of Urban Population
It only refers to the consolidation of the transfer of land to those resettled in urban areas, which depends on joint actions between the parties and the municipalities involved, which are in progress. As these actions do not depend exclusively on the Company, they must extend over a long period due to administrative and judicial obstacles.
Biotic Medium
PBA 23 - Relocation of Rural Population
It only refers to the consolidation of the transfer of land to those resettled in rural areas, which depends on joint actions between the parties and the municipalities involved, which are in progress. As these actions do not depend exclusively on the Company, they must extend over a long period due to administrative and judicial obstacles.
Biotic Medium
PBA 28 - Disclosure and Information Plan
The program aims to continue the actions of dissemination of the results of environmental programs, as well as the provision of information of public utility, which are disseminated in more far-reaching communication vehicles, in addition to a schedule with the actions planned by the PBA's.

1. NOTE The physical environment programs are permanent monitoring, typical of the operational phase of the Plant.

2. NOTE All reports arising from the conditions of the Operating License are sent to the Environmental Agency, and are publicly known.